2008-4-29 04:15
[color=darkorchid][size=3]影片名稱 : 見鬼2 (香港版)
藝人名稱 : 舒淇 | 杰西達邦 | 原麗淇
導 演 : 彭氏兄弟 Pang Brothers
監 製 : 陳可辛 | 鄭丹瑞
發 音 : 粵語, 國語
字 幕 : 英文, 繁體中文
影片格式 : DAT
檔案大小 : 953MB
片 長 : 95 分鐘
電影級別 : IIB
做種時間 : 3天
驗證全碼 : 38dd8bc1770b0adee6640579d74fc1a64e55389a
出版日期 : 2004年6月3日
發 行 : 鉅星 (HK)
以獨有的想像力,創新的拍攝方式及精確的剪接手法, 彭氏兄弟繼以盲女《見鬼》的題材後,重新去發展一個更意想不到、有關孕婦及自殺的靈異故事—《見鬼2》。舒淇今回洗盡鉛華,首次演繹神經帶點失常的孕婦,讓她盡情發揮她的演技。而另一個重要角色是由《三更》原麗淇飾演,今次原麗淇可再次展現出一種獨特的靈異魔力。
失戀的Joey (舒淇) 在酒店狂吞安眠藥自殺,臨死之際彷彿見到床邊圍滿透明人影……她被救活後正欲重新生活,卻突然發覺自己懷孕,卻不敢告訴男友 (杰西達邦)。Joey發覺常被一個神秘女人(原麗淇) 長期跟蹤,更不斷遇見各種恐怖幻象,精神面臨崩潰;幸得一寺院主持 (郭追) 指點,Joey為了胎兒決定消除心魔,找出真相。就在嬰兒出生之日,真相終於揭盅,卻竟比幻象更加可怕……
失戀的Joey(舒淇)自殺不遂,撿回了性命,卻不知道自己曾經闖進死亡空間,跟那些悽魂厲鬼們擦身而過﹗Joey 正想重新開始之際,竟發懷孕了﹗自那天開始,不可思議的怪接踵而來,她在火車站踫上跳軌的冤魂、在的士與沒臉厲鬼同坐、在孕婦班看到一個個幽靈,在每個準媽媽後如影隨形;她擔心自己的胎兒會被騷擾,要求醫生替她照超波,Joey 隨著小生命心跳聲展露的笑容突然凝住﹗
Just when Joey looks forward to a brand new life after a failed suicide attempt, she discovers that she is pregnant. Confused and desperate, the un-wedded woman tries to contact the father of her child but only gets hurt by his evasive response. Being tortured by the thought of an abortion, Joey finds herself becoming delusional and emotionally unstable. she is frequently threatened by the sudden presence of strangers, and also feels stalked by a mysterious woman. Joey suspects herself suffering from pre-partum depression. But her problems do not stem from her psyche; her former suicide attempt has actually granted her the ability to see the dead. The revelation strikes mercilessly when Joey pays a visit to the hospital and gets trapped in an elevator with a woman in labor and witnesses the most petrifying stillbirth caused by a ghost.... What is more devastating is that the mysterious woman stalker is indeed a spirit awaiting to be reincarnated in the form of Joey's child! If Karma is the explanation, what good or evil could Joey have done to this unknown woman? Or...has she? Joey is determined to unveil the identify of the mysterious woman, but every truth comes with a cost... and this one in particular is not what Joey can afford.[/color]