2008-6-5 22:21
[泰國][動作] 女拳霸Chocolate (香港版VCD) [泰語][繁中字幕][DAT/938MB]
[color=Blue][size=3]產品名稱 : 女拳霸 (VCD) (香港版)
導演︰柏治也平寇 Prachya Pinkaew
藝人名稱 : JiJa Yanin | 阿部寬 | 巴猜平橋
出版日期 : 2008年6月5日
語言 : 泰國語
字幕 : 繁體中文
電影級別 : IIB
影片格式 : VCD DAT
檔案大小 : 938MB
出品商 : 洲立影視 (HK)
做種時間 : 1 Night
驗證碼 : fc715ab6e7a403880da1157d75d58a587872350b
2004年繼泰國國寶級武打動作電影《拳霸》,一手捧紅打不死的Tony Jaa。2008年,《拳霸》幕後原班人馬和導演柏治也平寇(Prachya Pinkaew)再有新片上映,今次帶來女版的《女拳霸》,由現年24歲的泰國動作天后Jija Yanin接捧。身為Tony Jaa師妹的Jija,外型可愛,四年多以來付出不少血汗和努力,苦練拳腳功夫,以敏捷的身手親身上陣,換來最激的動作場面。在片中Jija除了大展硬橋硬馬真功夫外,更使出減速、定格等各種高難度動作,感受拳到肉、腳腳穿心的《女拳霸》威力,博得觀眾一致好評!
《女拳霸 (VCD) (香港版)》內容簡介
天賦一身武術天才的Sen(JiJa Yanin飾),自小與母親Sin相依為命。Sin因與日本黑幫頭目Masashi(阿部寬飾)相戀,兩人被泰國黑道中人視為眼中釘,誓要除之而後快。Masashi為保性命,不得已回歸日本。Sin母女四處逃避,卻依然難逃黑幫魔掌。Sen是自閉症患者,不懂與人溝通,卻擁有靈敏聽覺,而且對複雜動作過目不忘。她目睹母親常被欺凌,於是憑著超越常人的武術天份,無師自通,練成一副強勁身手。Sin患上癌症,急需巨款求醫,Sen為讓母親活命,決意從黑幫份子手上,用拳頭取回母親昔日借予他們的錢。另一方面,Sin唯恐女兒遭黑幫毒手,只好向身在日本的Masashi求助。Masashi為救妻女,決定重回泰國…
The consciousness of each "special child" has a unique ability or skill inside since birth. It is called a "gift". A special child like "Zen" (Jeeja Yanin), whose mother "Sin" (Som Amara) is in the final stages of leukemia, could never have known that trying to exercise the rights of her mother will lead her mother and herself into an unknown world. Because her mother used to be an important woman of Number-8 (Off Pongpat), the leader of the most powerful and terrifying Mafia gang in Thailand.
Consequently, her journey is a key factor leading to the confrontation between Number-8, of the Thai Mafia gang, and Masashi (Hiroshi Abe), a key member of Japanese Yakuza, who tries to protect Zen and her mother. It seems that the only way Zen has is to use her fighting gift to protect her mother. [/size][/color]
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