2008-7-21 10:18
產品名稱: Train Man (Hong Kong Version) 電車男 (香港版)
藝人名稱: 中谷美紀 (演員) | 山田孝之 (演員) | 岡田義德 | 國仲涼子 | 大杉漣 | 西田尚美 | 瑛太 | 木村多江
推出日期: 2005-12-08
語言: 粵語, 日本語
字幕: 繁體中文, 英文
製作來源地: 日本
影碟格式: VCD
級別: I
片長: 100 (分鐘)
Director: Murakami Masanori
一日毒男在電車上目睹醉酒鬼調戲辦公室女郎,平日孤僻膽小的他,不知何來勇氣,竟然上前勸阻,營救了女郎。數日後,他收到女郎寄來的高級品牌「愛瑪仕」(HERMES)茶杯,一時之間方寸大亂,惟有在互聯網上的「2Channel」向Chat Room「網民」求救。殊不知「網民」反應熱烈,馬上封他為「電車男」!又替女方起名為「愛瑪仕」,並一起做「電車男」的軍師。在甩拖護士、生活枯燥的白領中年男人、無聊主婦、毒男三人組、隱閉少年等等不同網民的鼓勵之下,「電車男」終於鼓起勇氣,約會「愛瑪仕」,更在眾網民教導下,洗脫了土氣的「秋葉系」造相,漸變成「電車」型男,更與「愛瑪仕」關係逐漸明朗。可惜,「電車男」始終心中有刺,不敢繼續乘坐這班戀愛列車…
The young man is 23-year old Tsuyoshi Yamada. He is the typical nerd obsessed with anime and computer games. He always hangs out in Akihabara, the electronics center in Tokyo. Tsuyoshi has no interest in fashion and other trends, and his age equals the number of years he hasn't had a girlfriend. He works as a salesman at an employment agency but is always scolded by his boss.
Tsuyoshi just happened to be on his way home from an event in Akihabara when he met Saori. He has never been in a fight before, but the sight of the drunk harassing Saori made him furious as he stood up to protect her.
The only things Tsuyoshi is usually interested in are anime and video games. But something about Saori's beauty lit a fire in his heart, giving him courage. When he's looking for words to apologize, Saori hands him her date planner. "I want to return a favor, so can you write down your address?" Tsuyoshi is taken back. He has been humiliated a thousand times by women, but never appreciated, especially from a beautiful woman like Saori. Saori has a sweet smile on her face as she watches Tsuyoshi write down his address with shaking hands.